Esther Klahne
Esther Klahne
I have always loved nature and art. As my career in apparel design was ending, I discovered botanical art, the perfect union of natural science and artistic expression. In 2007, I enrolled in the Botanical Art Certificate Program through the Wellesley College Friends of Horticulture. I’ve enjoyed every minute, studying with amazing teachers and students alike.

I love “earthiness” in paintings, and tend to work on calfskin vellum rather than paper. I’ve used honey colored and veiny skins, as well goat skin, which has even more color variation. I’m partial to neutral, understated color, which pairs well with the warm tones of animal skins. I paint with watercolors and have just discovered egg tempera.

Because I’m detail oriented, my paintings are more fully appreciated when viewed at a close distance. I’m constantly challenged to accurately capture texture, pattern, color and light unique to the specimen I’m working with. Time moves at the speed of light when I’m in my studio, and there aren’t enough hours in the day as I observe, connect with and gain wisdom from each subject.

There are many benefits and immense satisfaction found in artistic achievement. Most importantly, I love the joy and anticipation of the journey, the discovery, the process. The rich and countless rewards that follow are like the bloom on a succulent piece of fruit, the dew on a tender pink petal.

klahne-1.jpg Violet

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klahne-4.jpg Lilac

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klahne-3.jpg Hibiscus

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klahne-5.jpg Peony

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klahne-2.jpg Flowering

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